WHY This policy defines the general requirements all controllers must follow when controlling in Indian FIRs.
WHO The Maintenance/Update responsibility for this policy lies with the Training Management Centre (TMC). This policy has been approved by IVAO-INDIA hqrs for training purposes and was drafted by Rohit Dalaya and Karan Malik on 01-08-2011. All recommendations/modification for updates to this policy should be sent to the TMC for review and approval.
TO WHOM This policy is intended for all active controllers plugging in to any Flight Information Region (FIR).
FROM WHERE Growth is the flame for sustainment. Time has proven the need for general requirements to be met by controllers for safe and efficient handling of traffic.

  • General: All air traffic controllers start at the ATC Applicant level (AS1). After logging in for 10 hours you automatically get promoted to ATC Trainee position (AS2).Once you reach 25 hours you get promoted to Advanced ATC Trainee (AS3). After which you have to pass the IVAC theory exam before you can advance further. This exam is available on request from IVAO Hqrs on your details page. Contact the Training Department to begin your training to help you pass the exams
  • Airspace: The Indian FIR’s are divided into 5 major airspaces. All airspace from ground upto unlimited lies within them. For distinction between the boundaries refer to the area chart.
  • Voice Control: Teamspeak is the official endorsed program by IVAO. All controllers are requested to make use of this software for speedy flow of traffic and realism.
  • Logging In/Off: Before logging on to any position in the FIR , check on IVAE whether the intended position is vacant and not taken by another controller. Once logged on make sure you stay for at least 30mins, this is mandatory as per IVAO rules. Do not forget to check the FRA to make sure you have the required level to man the position. Set up your ATIS, use correct Frequency, keep squawk codes and all relevant charts handy to complement the position.
  • Before Logging off, make an announcement on the ATC tab in the COMMbox and in addition inform all traffic under your control about it. If you have another controller who intends to take your position, give him a short brief on chat/voice about the traffic or anything you think would be of importance to him to take control effectively. Also check the position change briefing for details.
  • Facility Rating Assignment (FRA): The minimum experience required in terms of knowledge and ATC hours logged on is defined by FRA. It is stated in term of your ATC rating e.g. AS1, AS2, AS3, ADC etc. The purpose of this is to provide the best quality ATC services in the division. Newbie’s should not be discouraged by this but should aim to reach the highest rating level possible.
  • ATIS: The IVAC program generates an automatic ATIS for your position from the information you provide. Make sure you activate it after checking its correct contents. Standard text to be put in the remarks column is as follows...

CLR DEL: State If charts on board.
GND: Gate Holding in force expect delay (if required or nothing)
TWR: Departure frequency...
APP: Speed restrictions in force
CTR: State FL and squawk on initial contact

WHY This order sets out the required ratings which controllers must have when wanting to control any position in Indian FIR.
WHO The Maintenance/Update responsibility for this policy lies with the Training Management Centre (TMC). This policy has been approved by IVAO-INDIA hqrs for training purposes and was drafted by Rohit Dalaya and Karan Malik on 01-08-2011. All recommendations/modification for updates to this policy should be sent to the TMC for review and approval.
TO WHOM This policy is intended for all active controllers in any Indian Flight Information Region (FIR).
FROM WHERE Many positions in the Indian FIR handle heavy traffic loads daily. Given the fact that every FIR in itself is very large, it poses a big challenge for any ATC controller to handle all situations effectively. Indian division has realised that such positions might not be suitable for inexperienced controllers. Accordingly, IVAO has instructed each division to set reasonable restrictions on minimum ratings and experience levels necessary to work each position.
REQUIREMENTS No controller shall open up a position in any FIR without having met all the criteria outlined in the General Requirements SOP. Additionally, all visiting controllers under GCA must follow the criteria's set out in the Guest Controller Assignment Policy.

  • Clearance Delivery: Controllers holding any ratings can open this position.
  • Ground Control: Controllers holding any rating can open this position.
  • Tower Control: Controllers holding AS3 rating and above can open this position.
  • Approach/Departure: Controllers holding ADC rating and above can open this position.
  • Centre: Controllers holding APC ratings and above can open this position.

As a general rule, it is advised to check the CURRENT FRA's before logging on to any Position.
NOTE: During an event held by the India Division, no controller will log onto any position which is reserved unless prior authorisation has been obtained by Indian Head-quarters (DIR/ADIR). This takes effect one hour prior to event start time and ends one hour after event closing time.

WHY This policy defines the training standard required by all controllers who wish to log on to any position in the Indian FIR.
WHO The Maintenance/Update responsibility for this policy lies with the Training Management Centre (TMC). This policy has been approved by IVAO India HQ's for training purposes and was drafted by Rohit Dalaya and Karan Malik on 01-08-2011. All recommendations/modification for updates to this policy should be sent to the TMC for review and approval.
TO WHOM This policy covers all controllers who wish to control in Indian FIR.
FROM WHERE Training, knowledge and then experience, it's a 3 tier process. Essential training is the first basic step required for good and safe handling of traffic.
REQUIREMENTS Training is like climbing up a ladder. It's a multi-step process to achieve the maximum. All wishing to control in Indian FIR are advised to follow these steps to ensure adequate training:
- Join the training program at our training and management centre.
- Understand how the ATC system works:

  • Read throughly all Policies and our National Airspace system, take the basic level exam with marks of at least 80% which is available after logging in at our Training management centre or click here.
  • After the exam you will be able to access the training request system where you may request for training.

-Start the 2 training sessions with your trainer where functions of the radar client IVAC will be discussed.
- Review the clearance delivery and ground procedures located in the training material section on our website.
- Complement these by reading the local procedures for the airport of interest and take the clr del exam at the training centre.
- Log onto the network as an observer and listen to other controllers. This is the best way to become familiar with phraseology, general and local procedures.
- Request for your first on the job training (OJT 1) and control aircrafts for the very first time with the help of your trainer.
- You are now checked off to control on your own. Gain some experience and when you feel you are ready, request for your final OJT 2.
- Complete the radar client exam with scores of above 80%.
- Plug into any position in the Indian Division for which you are qualified and checked off by the ATC examiner.
- To maintain a high quality of ATC service in the IN division, ATC positions will be monitored by TMC instructors and if required, will brief the controller on what to improve in order to retain or advance his current rating. Members who are interested to start their Pilot Training can join the Training Center and select Pilot Course on the top menu.

WHY This policy defines the criteria for visiting controllers in all FIR’s in India.
WHO The Maintenance/Update responsibility for this policy lies with the Training Management Centre (TMC). This policy has been approved by IVAO India HQ for training purposes and was drafted by Rohit Dalaya and Karan Malik on 01-08-2011. All recommendations/modification for updates to this policy should be sent to the Training Center for review and approval.
TO WHOM This policy is intended for all individuals who are seeking to work an ATC position as a “Guest Controller in Indian FIR.
FROM WHERE The Indian FIR wishes to maintain a practical roster of well trained and experienced controllers. IVAO has authorised each division to develop a policy which is consistent with IVAO. Since the Indian Division is participating in the GCA programme according to RR 5.1.7, we have laid down a set of rules to be followed.
REQUIREMENTS The following rules are to be met by all foreign controllers wishing to control in Indian FIR.

  • The member shall have minimum ADC rating and able to perform ATC duties in English language.
  • The member must have a basic knowledge of the procedures to be applied in the Indian airspace
  • The member must have knowledge of the local procedures of the position requested.
  • The visiting controller wishing to work any FRA positions will be required to undergo a competency check by the Training Staff.
  • The GCA will be shown in the member's profile. It is shown by division, however if Division HQ allows controlling only on certain positions, the member has to adhere to such restrictions.
  • The GCA can be withdrawn at any time by Division HQ if the requirements are not met any more.
  • As an approved GCA member, you may control at any airport in India subject to self briefing of local procedures. Subject to FRAs, an ADC rated member with adequate experience may open upto Approach controller position and an APC and above rated member may open upto Center controller position.

IMPORTANT The visiting controller must control at his assigned position for a minimum of 3 hours in a 3 Month period. Controller’s wishing to join the division can contact in-hq@ivao.aero

WHY This policy defines the co-ordination required and to be followed by all controllers when controlling in Indian Airspace.
WHO The Maintenance/Update responsibility for this policy lies with the Training Management Centre (TMC). This policy has been approved by IVAO-INDIA hqrs for training purposes and was drafted by Rohit Dalaya and Karan Malik on 01-01-2012. All recommendations/modification for updates to this policy should be sent to the TMC for review and approval.
TO WHOM This policy is intended for all active controllers including all ATC positions when plugging in to any Flight Information Region (FIR).
FROM WHERE Too much and too less information, both can be unfavourable while passing over messages between ATC units.
REQUIREMENTS All Controllers are encouraged to use the INTERCOM function for inter-coordination purposes.
Open the intercom page here. The use of chat messages should be used as a back-up only.
Clearance Delivery to Ground Control Under normal operations NO information needs to be passed between these two positions.
Case 1: Ground controller announces GATE HOLDS in effect which would be due to traffic congestion at the runway holding point, he requests the Delivery controller Not to change over traffic to him. As each aircraft is handed over to tower controller, he sends a message
Del: Release 1(Number can be changed as required)
Gnd: 1 Ground to Tower Control When plugging into Ground control, check with the tower controller for the runways in use.
Send chat message -
Gnd: Runway in use
Twr: 14 Tower to Approach Control
Case 1:For all the airports in India there is no need to pass take-off information of aircrafts to the approach controller.
When controlling at airfields which do not have their own approach control then aircraft release is to be taken from the centre controller of the respective FIR.
App controller: Request release, AIC 105, VEBS, IFR CTR controller: AIC 105 released, FL150
Case 2:Missed approach by arriving aircraft
Twr: AIC 105 Go around
App: AIC 105
Approach to Centre controller
Case 1: Heavy traffic with approach, he may request centre to hold traffic until advised.
App: Hold Traffic
Ctr: On Hold
In such a case, the centre would direct traffic into holds till he receives clearance from approach control
App: Release Traffic
Ctr: Released
Case 2:Heavy traffic with approach, wants re-routing to particular waypoint.
App: Traffic to IGBAN
When situation is comfortable then to revert to normal flow of traffic
App: Release Waypt
Ctr: Released

The coordination's given above are the ones which are used under normal conditions. In case, any further coordination is required do so but keep it short and simple.If the controller does not reply, have patience , he may be busy with other aircrafts.

This Standard Operating Procedure outlines the tasks to be accomplished by controllers when conducting a position change briefing.

The Maintenance/Update responsibility for this policy lies with the Training Management Centre (TMC). This policy has been approved by IVAO-INDIA hqrs for training purposes and was drafted by Rohit Dalaya and Karan Malik on 01-01-2012. All recommendations/modification for updates to this policy should be sent to the TMC for review and approval.


This policy is intended for all controllers logging on to any Position in the Indian Division.

It is said that we learn from our own mistakes! ! ! Majority of them have been made at the time when an ATC position change over takes place. The reason is simple: Correct and pertinent information is not passed over or is done in a hurry. The use of the tasks outlined below are mandatory inorder to reduce these errors and conclude an effective method of transfer of control.


Observe the Position (New Controller)

  1. Log onto the IVAC position as an Observer and connect to the same Teamspeak channel as the current controller with same callsign but with an additional number. e.g VIDP_APP1
  2. Observe the work environment, position of various traffic on the radar and the operational situation.Familarise yourself with the weather, runway in use, NOTAMS and any pertinent information.
  3. Listen to the voice communications and co-relate the traffic as they are being controlled.Make a note of any operational actions to be done.
  4. Set your primary frequency to that of the position you are about to take over.
  5. Advise the controller being relieved that you have completed above steps by saying “Monitoring Complete”

The Briefing (Controller being Relieved/New Controller)

  1. The controller being relieved will brief the new controller once the latter indicates that he is ready to start his briefing by saying “Ready to Copy”
  2. The controller being relieved will brief the New controller on the following:
  • Traffic Information (Flow of traffic,any traffic in holding,aircraft waiting for release.
  • Special Requests by pilots
  • Adjacent Control position coordination
  • Primary runways being used
  • METARS of special interest, weather phenomena like fog etc
  • The New controller will clarify any questions that he has with the controller being relieved.

Final Assumption of Control (Controller being Relieved/New Controller)

  • The New controller after satisfying himself of all information will now send a message saying “I have Control” and the Relieving controller shall respond with “You have Control” and LOG OFF The New controller will immediately LOG IN to his new position making sure that he does not select voice comm while connecting.This will make sure that the Teamspeak channel remains open while he makes this shift and thereafter to continue controlling.He will then assume all aircraft in his jurisdiction to gain control.

Post-Transfer Observation (Controller being Relieved)

  • The Controller being Relieved will now log back ON as observer to the same position.He will monitor the New controller and make sure that nothing has been forgotten and that positive control has been assumed by the New controller.Incase , there is any pertinent information to be shared, he will do so by sending a message to the new controller.The controller being relieved may now sign off making sure that the new controller has all required information for his position.

NOTE: The transfer may be done on Teamspeak itself by using WHISPER or via chat.

WHY This policy defines the “ATIS remark column” entry requirements all controllers must follow when controlling in Indian FIR’s.
WHO The Maintenance/Update responsibility for this policy lies with the Training Management Centre (TMC). This policy has been approved by IVAO-INDIA hqrs for training purposes and was drafted by Rohit Dalaya and Karan Malik on 01-01-2012. All recommendations/modification for updates to this policy should be sent to the TMC for review and approval.
TO WHOM This policy is intended for all active controllers plugging in to any Flight Information Region (FIR).
FROM WHERE There is always a method to madness. Well in this case, it is observed that when all follow a uniform procedure, good results show.
REQUIREMENTS Put the following text in the “remarks” column of ATIS depending upon what the situation calls for:
  • Case1 : State If charts on board and squawk standby
  • Case 2: Gate Holds in Effect, Expect Delay for changeover to gnd
  • Case 3: Reserved for Events
  • Case 1: Runway in Use.
  • Case 2 : Gate Holding in force , expect delay
  • Case 3 : Parallel Runway operations in force
  • Case 4 : Cross Runway operations in force
  • Case 1:Departure frequency.
  • Case 2: Squawk Mode C on line up
  • Case 1: Runway in Use .
  • Case 2: Expect Holding due traffic congestion
  • Case 3: Speed Restrictions in force, IDENT on initial contact
  • Case 1:State FL and squawk on initial contact
  • Case 2: Reduce Speed to 220kts at 50 miles
  • Case 3 : Reserved for events

NOTE:Under Normal Operations, Only CASE 1 to be entered for each position.

WHY This standard operating procedure is defined for all controllers in the Indian division in order to pass necessary information to each other.
WHO The Maintenance/Update responsibility for this policy lies with the Training Management Centre (TMC). This policy has been approved by IVAO-INDIA hqrs for training purposes and was drafted by Rohit Dalaya and Karan Malik on 01-01-2012. All recommendations/modification for updates to this policy should be sent to the TMC for review and approval.
TO WHOM This policy is meant for all controller plugging into any position in Indian Airspace.
FROM WHERE Too much and too less information, both can be unfavourable while passing over messages between ATC units.
REQUIREMENTS There is a provision of tagging the aircraft under control in IVAC which must be fully utilised for the benefit of all controllers. By tagging an aircraft, the information put in e.g. SID'S, headings etc would be visible to all neighbouring controllers thereby reducing the need to communicate with each other for the same. These functions are best accessed by first selecting the aircraft and then pressing either of these keys as per requirement.
  • F5-waypoint
  • F6-flightplan
  • F7-speed
  • F8-altitude

Given below are the details each controller must insert:
Clearance Delivery
Insert the SID given in the clearance to the aircraft, e.g. For Molgo1A enter MLG1A, VEVAK 1A will be VVK1 A etc
Incase the clr given is to provide vectors to SID termination point,then insertvVECTOR as tag.
Ground Control
No information is needed to be inserted by this controller. When clr del is not online and ground assumes it's functions , then he would tag the aircraft as above.
Tower Control
No information is needed to be inserted by this controller.Only when an aircraft does a go-around then tag the aircraft with "MSD".... meaning Missed Approach !
Approach Control
Outbound aircraft:
If a direct is given to the aircraft then insert the "cleared to waypoint" as it's tag.

Inbound aircraft:
  • Tag the aircraft with the "SPEED" it has been asked to maintain. When cleared for the approach, tag the approach type e.g."ILS" or "VOR" .
  • When cleared for holding , insert "HOLD" as it's tag.

Centre Control
  • When cleared direct to a waypoint insert the name of the cleared to point.
  • Insert the speed, if any specific speed has been given to the aircraft.
  • Insert "hold" if aircraft is cleared to point for holding.
  • An aircraft in urgency asking for priority should be tagged "URGENT"

This SOP has been devised for controllers so as to keep a standardized method while performing ATC functions . This by far is proven to be the best way to make sure correct terminology is used thereby providing quality ATC control.

The Maintenance/Update responsibility for this policy lies with the Training Management Centre (TMC). This policy has been approved by the IVAO India Headquarters for training purposes and was drafted by Rohit Dalaya, Karan Malik, and Anav Jha on November 24th 2016. All recommendations/modification for updates to this policy should be sent to the TMC (in-tc/tac@ivao.aero) for review and approval.

This policy is intended for all controllers logging on to any Position in the Indian Division.
FROM WHERE Even though standard phrases to be used are provided in the ATC manual of India,they are exhaustive and hence their use seems to change for every individual controller . There arises a need for clear and concise text which aims to provide a document for easy reference.
Every ATC position has its own share of clearances which the controller issues over a period of time and are repeated over and over. Even though it is impossible to list all of them down, given below are the examples of standard ones which are most commonly used and should be followed by all controllers:
A) Clearance Delivery
VFR Departures:
  • Outbound - VT-ESD  cleared  destination Agra, runway 28, after dep turn left/right climb to 1500 ft AGL to maintain until 10 miles, resume own navigation, squawk 1200
  • Circuit - VT-ESD cleared left hand circuit pattern runway 28, climb and maintain (1000ft/1500ft AGL) squawk 1200
  • NOTE: VFR squawk codes are always 1200, SVFR (Special VFR) Squawk codes are 1201, 1202 etc.
IFR Departures:
  • VIA SID (Clearance limit, airway/routing, runway, initial climb on SID, SID transition, Squawk).
  • Eg- IGO933 cleared destination Delhi, Q1, Runway 27, climb via ANOLI1A departure to FL70, transition DOTIP, squawk 0300.
  • Without SID: IGO933 cleared destination Delhi, Q1, runway 27, climb on runway heading to FL70, squawk 0300.
  • Airports without Radar (Only procedural control): AIC854 cleared destination Bhubaneshwar via radial 154 PPT VOR, runway 25, left turn after departure, climb to and report passing FL70, squawk 3307
B) Ground
  • Push back: JAI051, pushback and startup approved, face West/Nose Right, ATIS info A.
  • Gate holds : AIC 572 ,stand by for push and start, gate hold in effect due traffic congestion, no. 5 in sequence. 
  • Taxi: IT 655 taxi via N,N1,N3 holding point rwy 27, QNH 1012
  • JAI2145, good evening, taxi via N N1 M6 F1 to stand 55.
C) Tower Departures:
  • AIC 672, hello hold short rwy 14 due traffic on final.
  • AIC 201, line up and wait rwy 32 
  • JAI 211, winds 260/8 , cleared for take off rwy 27
  • AIC101, behind the arriving B777, line up behind and wait behind runway 27 (Conditional Lineup Clearance)
  • SEJ315, Tower, wind 320/05kts you're number 3, runway 27 continue approach
  • SG231 , winds 245/10 cleared to land rwy 25, vacate B4
  • SG 231, go around go around, due preceding aircraft on rwy, climb 3000ft maintain runway heading, follow standard missed approach procedure, contact Approach 127.9, acknowledge

D) Approach
  • AIC205, radar identified passing 2600 climb FL70 on VEMEV departure
  • P-Departure good evening, JAI454
  • A-JAI454 good evening, radar identified, confirm passing 3200ft?
  • P-Affirm passing 3200ft for FL70 squawking 3302 JAI454
  • JAI 354, contact approach radar on 127.90, good day
  • SEJ354 radar identified FL350, cleared to Delhi via AKBA2A arrival for ILS runway 28 report ready for descent
  • AIC 274 , radar identified, maintain FL140 standby for further descent
  • JAI740, descend 3000ft QNH 1013 TRL 055
  • AIC 659, identified, disregard arrival, turn left heading 205 radar vectoring for ILS runway 27.
  • IGO658, proceed to and hold at DIPAS as published, left hand orbits, FL150, expect delay 05min.
Arrivals (for Procedural/Non-Radar airports):
  • IGO615, cleared for VOR/ILS runwya 25 via overhead, descend on profile, call leaving PPT
  • JAI731, cleared for VOR/DME runway 07 via DME ARC, descend 3000ft on profile, call passing IAF
E) Centre
  • P-Delhi good evening, AIC345?
  • A-AIC345, Delhi very good evening, radar identified, confirm FL340?
  • P-Affirm level 340, squawking 3345 AIC345.
NOTE: Do not change squawk of the aircraft unless there is duplication. 
Maximum direct routing is allowed upto the FIR boundary of control.
  • 6E 225 , good morning, squawk 0300 standby for radar contact . ( if aircraft is squawking 1200,2000 or 7000) otherwise not required to change squawk.
  • IT 255 , Hello radar contact , cleared via IGBAN 1A arrival transition AKTIV rwy 27, call for descent
  • AIC 660 , good evening radar contact, cleared via MOLGO 1 A arrival transition AKTIV , reduce speed to 240 kts due traffic congestion, call for descent.

The link for Oceanic phraseology can be found under Resources menu on the website navigation
NOTE: Do NOT descent aircraft below FL 150 if approach is ONLINE

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On Friday, 20 September 2024
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